Birkat Kohanim

I want to thank all of the new subscribers that have suddenly found this blog and are appreciating the content. I apologize for being a very poor blog host, preoccupied with a difficult task in a difficult place that robs me of my blog time.

As I work long days and weeks, my mind is constantly drifting to the many things I want to share on this blog. Today I was torn between what I wanted to write and what I felt I needed to write. Lately, I have been receiving a multitude of messages, emails, calls and comments, regarding so many people fighting spiritual battles with demons, sickness, marital issues, family problems, etc., far beyond normal circumstances. I reiterate the need for constant prayer through atonement under the authority of Yehshua, calling out His perfect blood sacrifice that made us conquerors of darkness and not victims of darkness. God’s perfect timing over thousands of years to sacrifice His only begotten Son, the lamb without blemish, only for us to be tortured and defeated so soon prior to His coming is absurd.

We have authority over the demonic by the blood of Yehshua. If we are not being healed or delivered of demonic affliction, then we must consider the possibility that we’re being legally blocked, a separation from God for legal reasons causing our spiritual problems. In these circumstances, we are not only looking at ourselves objectively for answers, but remember that there may be curses against us that are real. There are many forms of curses that can include bloodline curses going back 4 generations. I have found more than 100 examples of this in the bible. Yehshua was cursed and hung on a tree for us, that we might not be cursed. (Galations 3:13) But if we do not call out and rebuke the curse, atoned with the authority of the perfect sacrifice of Yehshua, it remains pending in the court of the Most High. We cannot know the transgressions of the past 4 generations, it is only necessary to break any possible curse that may be pending against us because of an ancestral curse, not yet atoned for by the perfect lamb without blemish. Rebuke any curses spoken against us in the name of Yehshua and by His blood sacrifice, send curses back to hell where they came from. The Holy Spirit will guide us if we’re praying, fasting and listening for His voice. This is a problem for most people today, myself included, to find quiet personal time to align ourselves with the Holy Spirit.

John 14:12 is not a lie. “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.” We must present ourselves before the throne constantly, as Yehshua did, praising the Most High God and petitioning that our voices be heard, and when He hears us, greater things will we do just as He promised. He is waiting for us to clean up our act and get intimate in our prayers. Call out this verse in your prayers, ask God to come through on His promises, then see it done in your mind.

This is not to say that we will live and prosper without demonic attack, as they never stop pursuing us day and night. But recognize the signs of demonic influence quickly, and rebuke quickly in the name of Yehshua, from whom our authority comes over the demonic realm. Recognize the characteristics of people around you that are under demonic influence, and rebuke the enemy immediately. I am also constantly under attack, and fail regularly at recognizing the signs. We should be looking for anger, animosity, jealousy, lusts, food cravings, things either related to or that satisfy an earthly carnal existence. Behind those veils are demons waiting for the opportunity to strike. A prayerful atoned Christian is a powerful threat to the demonic, therefore making us their prime targets. If we stop praying and atoning, they win and we lose.

The goal is to become a successful intercessor for greater things than to always be fighting our own personal battles. We should be praying effectively for the fulfillment of prophecy, praying effectively for Israel and our own nation, and healing the sick and demonically afflicted, and praying for the Body of Christ with our authority under Christ. I believe that at times, we are afflicted to create a distraction away from more pressing spiritual issues.

I had other subjects I wanted to discuss today. Rather than get lengthy with this article, I prefer to suggest that prayers become more frequent, and include the word of God in your prayers, presenting His promises before Him regarding us in our prayers. I include Psalms 91 in every prayer and add “according to your Word”. Paul says to pray without ceasing and this is how our prayers form an intimate relationship with the Holy Trinity. God uses prayer warriors like soldiers in combat against a mutual adversary. He is standing by waiting for us to initiate the command to dispatch His warring angels on our behalf, and on behalf of those for whom we pray.

Having said all of that, I would like for you to listen to this short audio in the podcast link, while reading Numbers 6:24-26. This is the Aaronic Priestly Blessing, or Birkat Kohanim, and is the only prayer in the bible written by God Himself. This prayer has far deeper meaning and impact when recited in Hebrew than in any other language, so listen to the Rabbi singing Birkat Kohanim before thousands of Jewish people in Jerusalem, while reading the verses from your bible. Do this several times, calling on the Holy Spirit to guide you as you listen. Play with a good sound system if possible for full effect. Below are the verses in Hebrew with the translation according to the Orthodox Jewish bible.

Remember, this is the only prayer written by God Himself! Claim this prayer for your life in the name of and by the blood of Yehshua! This is one way we resist the demonic! Imagine in your mind the visions of demons trembling with fear, as warring angels are sent out to dispose of them properly, Yehshua leading the way!

Numbers 6:24-26

24 Y’varekhekha Adonai v’yishmerekha (Hashem bless thee, and keep thee);

25 Ya’er Adonai panav eleikha vichunekha (Hashem make His face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee);

26 Yissa Adonai panav eleikha v’yasem l’kha shalom (Hashem lift up His countenance upon thee, and give thee shalom).


The amazing musical genius of the Psalms


Passover has been passed over…