Happy Birthday Yehshua!

Happy Birthday to the Son of Man! Of course, you can believe what you want to, but I am 100% convinced that no other day makes more sense for the day of Yehshua’s birth than today, the Feast of Tabernacles, when God dwelt with men, once in the wilderness, and once in the land of Galilee.

Assuming this is accurate, we are rare and unusual from among God’s people in knowing this, and also knowing that today is the accurate biblical High Sabbath, and not the day celebrated in Israel, nor the Gregorian Saturday from last week.

Take a minute today to give thanks for the life of the Master, the lamb without blemish who came to save the world 😊

I also want to thank and welcome the new blog readers from Russia, China, and the Dominican Republic. Thank you for joining Johnone.org and please pray that I can find the time to continue to do this research. Thank you and may Yehshua richly bless your lives as He has mine.


Happy Feast of Sukkot! Happy Birthday Yehshua!


Satan’s high holy day…


Feast of Sukkot (Tabernacles)