Hurricane Harvey: A New Beginning of Prophetic Signs?
On February 15, 2017, I was in a hospital in Chiriqui, Panama, having a softball sized cancerous tumor removed from my small intestine. The tumor was malignant, and a small tumor had already begun forming on the lower lobe of the liver next to the one that was removed. At the time the smaller tumor was inoperable because the first tumor had ruptured, and I was so septic and had lost so much blood that the less threatening tumor was scheduled for another surgery. (The 2nd surgery was never necessary :) Five months earlier, a white dove was hanging around the house, and seemed to be always looking at me. Each time I would try to capture a photo of this unusual dove so out of place in the tropics, it would fly away. This went on for several days, I never thought more about it until a dear Christian friend suggested that it was a sign from the Holy Spirit. Five months later I was diagnosed with Stage 3, bordering Stage 4 cancer that after the surgery, had spread all over the abdominal area.
While recovering, I became acutely aware of how short our time is on earth, and feeling like I had wasted my entire life focusing on successes that have no impact on life after death. In fact, I suddenly became more aware of how likely that in a week after my death, my name would probably seldom ever be mentioned again.
People that know me also know that I do not trust anything mainstream. Any information that survives at the university level, unless it is mathematically or chemically empirical, is probably a lie or deception of some kind. This paranoia includes conventional medicine. I told my oncologist, thank you very much, but I’ll kill myself my own way, not your way. I began alternative treatments, and 7yrs later remain cancer free without any of the 1940’s nazi style medical treatments normally applied today.
Later that same year, Hurricane Harvey hit the Texas coast and was recorded as one of the most deadly and costly storms in history. What caught my attention about this storm was that it was forecast to make landfall at Corpus Christi, Texas. I knew that the Latin translation for Corpus Christi was “Body of Christ”, and was intrigued, wondering if there was a message in the storm. Wow! Little by little, there was a HUGE message unfolding the more I researched about this hurricane named “Harvey”. By the way, the storm never hit Corpus Christi but turned north.
For starters, the word “Harvey” has various etymological significances possibly related to prophecy. The basic breakdown of the old medieval English name “Harvey”, is as follows;
Rod of Iron
Blazing Rod of Iron
Battle Worthy (tied to rod of iron) or also “Battle Ready” from the same root
Harvest (from French harve)
All etymological relationships are western European, Scot, Irish, English and French and indicate warlike terminology with the exception of “Harve” tied to French in an agricultural term for Harvest. In the brilliance and unparalleled wisdom of the Most High God, I believe all of these definitions apply to the name chosen for Hurricane Harvey.
In Psalm 2:9, Isaiah 11:4, and Revelation 19:15 among others, it is plain to see that anything related to the iron rod will not be a pleasant experience for most people. In part, this was fulfilled with the destruction of Jerusalem 40yrs after the crucifixion. But the rod of iron in Revelation is an event of the future.
If that were all there was to the name Harvey, it would be impressive on its own. But there is much more. Hurricane Harvey was born on August 17th, and died down to a tropical storm near the Colombian coast. But then it drifted back over the Gulf of Mexico, and by August 21st had returned to hurricane force winds, increasing to 130mph by August 23rd and making landfall on the Texas coast 2 days later.
Interestingly, August 21st of 2017 began the 40 days of atonement and prayer that lead up to Yom Kippur. September 30th was Yom Kippur in 2017, the Jewish day of atonement. Hurricane Harvey was reclassified exactly 40 days earlier, beginning the days of atonement.
Another event occurred on August 21st, 2017, a solar eclipse. Solar eclipses are common, but this one was not so common. This was a summer eclipse that marked a path from Oregon to South Carolina, with the greatest visible duration between St. Louis, MO and southeastern Kentucky.
This would not be so interesting if it were not for the fact that a similar but different spring eclipse will occur this year, on April 8, 2024, marking an “X” pattern on the United States. Why is that important? This is a very rare pattern, only occurring twice in the last few hundred years. The last time was between 1806 and 1812, before that was 1769 and 1776.
Of course, we know what happened after 1776, but 3 months after September 1812, the worst earthquakes in US recorded history occurred around the New Madrid Faultine where the X pattern converged. This year, on April 8th, 2024, the X pattern will have completed for a 3rd time in the last 3 centuries over the same area as it once did in 1812. Is this significant?
For starters, this April X mark eclipse appears to be a bookend for the USA, the first bookend being July 4, 1776. But beyond that, on April 8th at sundown this year also begins Nissan 1, or the month of Abib on the ancient Hebrew calendar, the true Jewish new year (Exodus 12:2, Deuteronomy 16:1). I believe this is of the utmost significance, that our ecliptic bookend also happens to occur on the 1st day of the most Holy month on the Jewish calendar. Incomprehensible is the intelligence of our Creator who set this in motion as far back as Genesis 1:14, when he said;
“Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years”
The “X” occurs again over the New Madrid faultline, almost exactly as it did in 1812, after which the worst earthquakes in US history occurred.
There is something else very important I have neglected these last few months for lack of time. I won’t be able to explain it all today, it will have to be for another time. But I have to admit that I am probably wrong about the Feast of Tabernacles being the birthdate of Yehshua. I owe this new insight to Rabbi Jonathan Cahn who recently published his research on the true birthdate of Yehshua. I won’t go into the details here yet, but just know that the perfect lamb must have been born with the rest of the lamb crops of Israel, correct? Why would a lamb be born out of season? This is why the shepherds were greeted by angels in the fields! Lambs are born in the spring and fall, so the Feast of Tabernacles is certainly a possibility.
However, I failed to consider something very important, that all Holy Feasts and Festivals are prophetic and occur in sequences that correlate to their dates on the Hebrew calendar. Therefore, the lamb could not have been born on the Feast of Tabernacles, if he was to be sacrificed on the prophetic Feast of Passover not yet fulfilled. The lamb had to have been born in a prophetic sequence before Passover, and the only likely date is the beginning of Abib, the most Holy month of the year, and marks the Hebrew new year according to Exodus 12:2. In maintaining civil and religious new years, the biblical new year has been confused and ignored. More importantly though, Abib is also the spring lambing season!
If you would like to know more about this, you can find Jonathan Cahn’s youtube post explaining how numerous events triangulate onto Abib 1 as the true birthdate of Yehshua, or Nissan 1 by it’s modern name whose origin is Babylonian going back to Jewish captivity under Nebuchadnezzar. The most obvious sign was the shepherds only guarded flocks during lambing seasons, and the angels appeared to the shepherds declaring the arrival of the Lamb (see Luke chapter 2). This fact alone narrows the arrival of the Lamb down to only 2 possible times of year, fall or spring, but the spring feasts had not yet been fulfilled! Based on this new insight from Rabbi Cahn, I agree with him that Yehshua was born on Abib 1, the biblical new year and marking a new beginning for mankind!
I had to mention all of that to get to the point that this new eclipse that completes the X mark from 2017, will occur on April 8 on our Roman calendar, or Abib 1 on the Jewish calendar, Yehshua’s birthday, a few months short of 7yrs since the first eclipse. I cannot possibly comprehend all of the significances of this, except to tell you that it is significant beyond our ability to know. Combine this now with what many pastors are prophesying about America, and I believe it is time to be as prepared as you possibly can for unprecedented events ahead.
Then consider the Pope’s recent remarks condoning gay marriage and that the 10 Commandments are too rigid for today’s world, and ask yourself if America doesn’t return to God, what can we expect? That God will continue to bless us as a nation? Will the world be blessed anywhere if the Pope is still considered a spiritual leader? Or if we turn our back on Israel, or support a 2 state agreement, whoa unto us and any other nation that turns their back on Israel! By the way, how much of the $83billion in weapons left behind in Afghanistan are being used by Hamas against Israel? Is your tax money being used against Israel? (Don’t forget to include this is your prayers, that you not be held accountable for any of the weapons used against Israel if you pay taxes in the US. God’s accounting is as thorough as His reckoning.) This is the age of Apostasy! The great falling away! Is the one who neither slumbers nor sleeps suddenly asleep and not paying attention? (2 Thessalonians 2:3)
My biblical research journey began when I thought my life was near its end and began searching for answers to biblical questions that never made sense to me. Here we are almost 7yrs later, and I hope I am just getting started. August 21 of 2017, was the birth of the “Blazing Rod of Iron” that dodged the Body of Christ, sending a warning to America. My instincts tell me that we need to be as prepared as possible for unprecedented events to begin to unfold after this next eclipse, with particular attention given to the 7yr mark on August 21, 2024. God’s mercy on the godless is about to expire. The Wrath of the Lamb is nigh, the season of His coming is even nearer. And in that context, I believe we need to take caution not to ignore the love and mercy that was prepared in advance for the bride of the Lamb. In fact, I might go so far as to say, whoa to those who fail to see the significance of the love He has for His bride.
I have so much, much more I want to catch up on and share, please be patient with your struggling blog host and thank you to all who have been writing and concerned about the lack of blog posts since October. We are entering a new prophetic season, all hands on deck!!
And then shall that Wicked one be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: 9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, 10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: 12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. 13 But we are bound to give thanks alway to God for you, brethren beloved of the Lord, because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth:
2 Thessalonians 2:8-13