Nisan 17 is today, the actual day of the Resurrection:
Oh death where is your sting?
The Gentile bride is so unprepared in her Babylonian garments. God is calling us to come out of Babylon but our ears are a bit plugged to the Holy Spirit. Why should we care about the real day of the Resurrection and dump the pagan traditions? Quite simply because we miss the bigger story of God’s perfection in His love for mankind.
In preparation for the salvation of mankind, many events intentionally occurred on this day.
Noah’s Ark came to rest in the mountains of Ararat (not in Turkey) on Nisan 17. Genesis 8:4
The Exodus from Egypt was on Nisan 17. The Passover is celebrated to mark the day that the Hebrew people were released from 400yrs of slavery in Egypt. Their Exodus began on Nisan 17. If we knew the whole story, was probably even at the very same hour that Yehshua was crucified. (Numbers 33:1-8). The Red Sea parted for them on Nisan 18.
Nisan 17 is Day of First Fruits, and after being circumcised when Joshua entered the promised land (Joshua 5:9), the Israelites celebrated the first Passover in the promised land, and the Day of First Fruits on Nisan 17 (Joshua 5:10-15) when the manna ceased from heaven on the Sabbath before (Nisan 16).
If you dig into the story of Hezekiah, you can understand that in Chronicles 2 29:1-28, Hezekiah went through a process of gathering rulers and cleansing the temple on Nisan 17, to become a metaphor for Yehshua on the same day.
In the story of Esther, a man named Haman under King Xerxes hated the Jews and had snared the king in a trap that would eliminate the Jews. Esther began fasting on the Passover, Nisan 14, and on Nisan 17, Haman was killed and the Jews were delivered.
For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren. (Romans 8:29)
And I will add that He became that firstborn on Nisan 17.
Do you think it is important to know any of this? God obviously does or He wouldn’t have gone to the trouble to perfect every detail surrounding Nisan 17. Tradition is the enemy of truth.