Rosh Hashanah draws near!

Happy Gregorian Sabbath! Why do I say this? Millions of sabbath keepers around the world are taking their sabbath today. According to the Jewish calendar, tomorrow is Rosh Hashanah and begins the Feast of Trumpets, which begins on a sabbath. So the western world is taking the sabbath today, Saturday, the Jewish community will take the sabbath tomorrow on our Sunday. To complicate things further, according to the ancient laws regarding the sabbath, it was to be taken in accordance with solar and lunar events that marked the days, sabbaths, months and years. This is called the luni-solar calendar. In accordance with biblicaly correct sabbath laws, the feasts always begin on a sabbath, which in ancient Israel and as defined by God’s perfect time, would be upon the first sighting of a sliver of the new moon in the western evening sky. The Levite priests would sound the shofar and the feasts would begin, always on a new month sabbath.

If we take a look at the biblicaly corrected calendar developed by Michael Rood, we see that Rosh Hashanah will not take place until likely either Tuesday September 27, or Wednesday the 28th, depending upon when the first sighting of the new moon occurs. When the moon is first visible in the evening sky, the Feast of Trumpets begins, on the sabbath, and the first sabbath of the new moon marks a new month on the Hebrew calendar. So, today is not a sabbath by our Roman calendar, and neither is tomorrow, as marked on the Jewish calendar. 

When I first began to research the biblicaly correct day of worship and our appointed times with God, I was blown away to find that the names of the days of the week, and months of the year, all have their origins in ancient Rome, which had its roots in ancient Babylon. January, for example, was named after the God Janus, who if you research deeply enough, you discover that Janus was actually Cush, grandson of Noah, son of Ham, from whom all evil would rekindle in the post-flood world. The name Cush came from the Septuagint Bible translation from Hebrew to Greek, and literally means “Chaos”. Alexander Hislop made this discovery when it had been documented in ancient history that Janus declared, “the ancients called me Chaos” – And this is how we know that Janus was Cush, and has become the god for which the first month of the pagan year called “January” is dedicated and celebrated.

The English Saturday is Saturns day, another pagan day on the calendar dedicated to Saturnalia. Saturnalia is wrought with vile and corrupt traditions, including the December 25th celebrations that were mixed with Christianity under Emperor Constantine, in exchange for pausing the persecution of Christians. This stave of execution was welcomed by Christians of the era, and is the root of so much confusion as to how Protestant Christians became Catholic by keeping traditions rooted in ancient Rome, of Babylonian origin. (I hope you saw my video explaining this?)

I completed a fairly deep study several years ago that I hope to utilize in the creation of a new video explaining the origins of our days of the week, months of the year, and pagan holidays that have been sadly Christianized. Our calendar today comes from Rome. Pope Gregory the VIII made improvements on the Julian calendar to increase accuracy of certain Roman holy days, and thus, the Gregorian calendar has been in use in the western world since 1582 under the supervision and leadership of Pope Gregory VIII. What is interesting is that the ancient Babylonian pagan celebrations that continued under Roman Catholicism, would fall on days that as a general rule, also kept count by default, of most Christian and Jewish religious holidays. Sunday, for example, is the venerable day of the sun and 1st day of the Gregorian week, that ties sun worship to the appropriate day of the Roman/Babylonian week. For about 60% of the year, the sabbath on our Gregorian Saturday is a biblicaly correct sabbath by default of the dedication of the “venerable day of the sun” on our Gregorian “Sunday”. Sunday worship and sun worship are connected, and Sunday as our day of worship began in ancient Rome, which came from ancient Babylon, dedicated to the sun, not the Son!

If we always take the sabbath on Saturday, we will be correct 6 out of every 10 sabbaths +/-. This year’s Feast of Trumpets, however, is an example of how far we have drifted from God’s appointed days and times, as the spirit of the antichrist has pulled us steadily away from God for centuries. Most of my Christian friends will tell me, “I can worship God any day of the week, what does it matter?” Quite simply, it matters because of the 4th Commandment. The only Commandment that  begins with “Remember” [the Sabbath and keep it Holy] has been forgotten. We have an appointment with God on that day, and now almost no one, not even the Jews, know when the correct day is. And for those that argue this point from Paul’s comments on the abolishment of Mosaic law and the “Sabbaths”, I have much to say about this, but rather than argue, I just leave at this; If God wrote a commandment with the finger of His hand regarding a day of worship dedicated to Him, and you take another day created by the antichrist, for which there is ample proof that the same antichrist was involved in this conspiracy against God’s appointed times, how do you think God feels about this? Do you think it pleases Him that we take a day dedicated to the worship of pagan gods, and as such, forgotten the day He specifically said to remember? My personal opinion is that He will be very forgiving of the ignorant, not so forgiving of the defiant, and very pleased with those that just simply do what He asked, “Remember!”  

When the revived Jewish nation adopted their own calendar to include the holy days of Judaism, and the sabbath, the days were calculated similarly to the Gregorian method, but went back in time to biblicaly known timelines, and thus, while not the same as the Gregorian calendar, have likewise lost their biblical accuracy. So, Rosh Hashanah, and the Feast of Trumpets, cannot be known until the first sighting of the new moon appears in the western sky. I will be keeping an eye out for this from the roof top, and notify you immediately. There are 3 feasts left to fulfill in Prophecy, and we should develop a habit of knowing when the correct days of the feasts begin biblicaly, and not according to Pope Gregory or any other man. It was the Creator who built the first perfect clock, when in Genesis chapter 1:14 God said “Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years.” – He placed the earth on its axis and orbital path around the sun, placed the moon on its orbit around the earth, dividing the light from the day, and setting the clock of mankind into motion, so there could be no mistaking the days, times and seasons, of which we are now so totally clueless thanks to satan.  

When I see the new moon from the roof top, I will let you know that the Feast of Trumpets has begun! This is the most likely day for the rapture if there is to be one, so look up and be happy!

I attended the Tipping Point Prophecy Conference last week, by the way, and was absolutely fabulous. I so enjoyed the day that I did not want it to end. It began at 9am and ended at 5:30pm. Speakers were Jimmy Evans, host of the event, Ed Young, Greg Laurie, Mark Hitchcock, Billy Crone, and Jonathan Cahn. This will be an annual event until the rapture! Please don’t miss it in 2023 unless we are already departed for a Galilean wedding ceremony :)

One of the speakers said something I want to share. Actually many things I want to share, but I want to close this and we’ll discuss more of those topics and comments later. When we look at the world, and become discouraged that things are so awful bad, crime is out of control, courts releasing murderers into the streets of cities like Houston and Chicago, wars and rumors of wars, Russia this, China that, and Ukraine the other. It just really seems like the world is falling apart. But if we have faith that God remains sovereign over all things and nations, and that prophecy will be fulfilled to the letter, then we must tell ourselves:

Things aren’t falling apart, they’re falling into place!!!!! Hallelujah, praise and glory to the Most High God!!!

“And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time”.

Daniel 7:25


Feast of Trumpets begins now!


Make a new tradition!