Temples, Heifers, and Deceptions:

“Help! What do I do?”

I’ll keep this short because I have overloaded your inboxes this weekend.

We Christians are running like headless chickens worrying about the red heifer sacrifice in Jerusalem. In this information age, we have to be cautious of disinformation. Part of the anxiousness regarding the red heifers lately is based on a propaganda deception published by CBS news.  

Hitting the prophetic news wires these last few weeks is a story about a massive sacrificial altar being built on the Mt of Olives for the purpose of burning the red heifer and retrieving the ashes for the purification of the temple construction area on Mt Moriah. Across the internet in over 90 languages, people are talking about a red heifer sacrifice around Passover 2024. This hysteria was born from a video first published by CBS.

The photo above is from a “practice altar” constructed nearly 30 years ago in preparation for a future temple. It is not intended to be a permanent structure, it is a model structure intended for training and working the bugs out before the real temple is built and sacrifices begin. This altar is a model that will later be duplicated in the future on the Mt of Olives. Appropriately, the actual location of this fake altar is nowhere near the Mt of Olives, rather, it is located near the Dead Sea. Nothing has been constructed on the Mt of Olives, where the red heifer sacrificial altar must be located facing across the valley toward the temple on Mt Moriah.

This is typical of mainstream media these days, inciting more antisemitism and terror threats against Israel. Here are a few facts to consider in amid the red heifer hysteria;

·       5 red heifers arrived to Israel September 15, 2022, The heifers were born in October of the previous year, making them 2yrs old as of October 2023.

·       3 red heifers are still in perfect condition without a hair of a different color, a 4th is still being considered “near” perfect, a 5th has been eliminated as far as I know.

·       The 3yr old heifer requirement first appears from Genesis 15:9, but according to Rabbinical traditions the 1st month of the 3rd year qualifies as a 3yr old heifer.

·       There is no time restriction on maximum age, only minimum age of 2yrs and 1 month.

·       There have only been 9 red heifer sacrifices in Israel’s history.

·       The preferred time for the sacrifice according to Rabbinical traditions, is between Passover and Shavuot.

·       Rest assured that this red heifer sacrifice will happen, but there is no rush to do it by either of those dates in 2024. The only risk is that the heifers might develop a hair of a different color as they mature with age.

·       Hamas has admitted that the primary reason for the Oct 7th attacks was due to the Jewish preparation for a red heifer sacrifice this coming Passover.

·       However, the Israeli government is under huge international diplomatic pressure not to go through any red heifer sacrifices meanwhile that international diplomacy is presently scrambled against Israel. With the global corporate media aligned against Israel, would only provoke a new response and outbreak of renewed terror attacks and war rhetoric.

·       The Jewish people are generally apathetic about this ancient red heifer ritual. For the government to allow the red heifer ceremony to proceed after the October 7th massacre, that would certainly lead to new terror campaigns against Israel, could turn the Jewish people totally against Netanyahu and his current administration. This would only exacerbate Israel’s diplomacy challenges at this point.

While we know that the red heifer sacrifice will come soon and probably unexpected, it is not likely to happen this year between Passover and Shavuot. The CBS propaganda appears to have been published with malicious intent, designed to incite new antisemitic outrage, possibly worse. It is not up to me, of course, but under the circumstances, looks very unlikely at this point.

If I learn anything new, I’ll let you know! For now, CALM DOWN!

There is another matter far more confusing and difficult to decipher, and that is the real location where the final temple will be built. I won’t go into it for now, but just know this, that the temple was totally reduced to rubble, twice. In addition, massive earthquakes split Mt Moriah at some time in history since the crucifixion that I cannot find. A large earthquake hit Galilee in the 8th century, and perhaps that was the one, I don’t know. But the topography of Mt Moriah has changed since the crucifixion. Two temples were completely destroyed, but beyond that, there are changes in elevations across Mt Moriah. It does not have the same topography now that it did 2000yrs ago.

I mention this to make a point that we have to be careful about sharing, and that is the threshing floor purchased by David for the construction of the temple, appears to now be buried and perhaps a few hundred feet from the current Temple Mt location.

The Church of the Holy Sepulchre is another problem, but I think most Christians are aware that the crucifixion was not there, but rather, between the Garden Tomb and Golgotha. Catholics and Muslims focus on the Church of the Holy Sepulchre as the location of the crucifixion, but it was never there. This is important because of Ron Wyatt’s discovery over 40yrs ago, proving that where Abraham took Isaac and was stopped from sacrificing him, the mountain where I believe Moses viewed the inheritance of Israel, where David purchased the threshing floor, and where Yeshua was crucified, is not where the Temple Mount is located today. If Abraham, Isaac, Moses, Jeremiah, David, and Yehshua are witnesses as to the correct location, the Temple Mount is NOT IT! (Keep this to yourselves……ssshhhhh! God planned it this way!)

There are some major clues in the Apocryphal Book of 2 Maccabees chapter 2, that reveal something about where the Ark of the Covenant was hidden by Jeremiah. Contrary to our previous understanding of that location, it was buried in a room within a cave deep below the original temple floor; the “threshing floor” of Solomon’s Temple during the time of David. It was sealed with a large stone to conceal it, and in my opinion, will not be revealed until the return of the Messiah when Mt Moriah will open and the Ark will be removed by Cherubim (in my opinion). I believe that the previous destructions of the temple and earthquakes have hidden the exact location of the Holy of Holies

I mention this because even though there may be a fight between Muslims and Jews for the Temple Mount, I do not believe the Holy of Holies was located precisely at the Temple Mount, but farther to the north side of Mt Moriah from the Temple Mount. I’ve actually had to quit working on this for now because it is too difficult to research accurately from my desk chair. I feel strongly that something isn’t right about the Temple Mount location, and keep trying to dig up the truth from 3 continents away.

I am working on a “rapture ready” study/video, please pray for your host that I can put it all together in a way that you will actually read or watch the video or listen to the podcast, and benefit from it. It is a lot of work to just sit in your inboxes lol….

 It was also contained in the same writing, how the prophet, being warned by God, commanded that the tabernacle and the ark should accompany him, till he came forth to the mountain where Moses went up, and saw the inheritance of God. 5 And when Jeremias came thither he found a hollow cave: and he carried in thither the tabernacle, and the ark, and the altar of incense, and so stopped the door. 6 Then some of them that followed him, came up to mark the place: but they could not find it. 7 And when Jeremias perceived it, he blamed them, saying: The place shall be unknown, till God gather together the congregation of the people, and receive them to mercy. 8 And then the Lord will shew these things, and the majesty of the Lord shall appear, and there shall be a cloud as it was also shewed to Moses, and he shewed it when Solomon prayed that the place might be sanctified to the great God.

2 Maccabees 2:4-8 (Douay-Rheims 1899 American Edition)

Is it possible we are mistaken as to where this mountain was where Moses went up to see the inheritance of Israel? I believe so……


Easter in the Book of Acts


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