The idol has clay feet. Wait, what?

We’re all familiar with the story of Daniel and his ability to interpret dreams. This made him a very powerful figure in Nebuchadnezzars kingdom of Babylon as a very young man. In the dream of the statue made of various metals representing worldly kingdoms beginning with Babylon, Nebuchadnezzars vision included:

The head of gold = Babylon (Nebuchadnezzar)

Chest and arms of silver = Medo-Persia (Cyrus the Great)

Belly of bronze = Greece (Alexander the Great)

Legs of iron and feet of iron and clay = Roman Empire

In the unparalleled wisdom of God, the legs of the Roman Empire represent the kingdom split into 2 empires formed under Roman Emperor Constantine, the latter of which became the Byzantine Empire. “Constantinople” gained its name from the former emperor, then later became Istanbul. Istanbul is a key player in the war of Gog and Magog, which I will elaborate on further in an upcoming study, where I believe a fallen angel continues its habitation there.

Of these major global empires, Rome is the only one that was never defeated, only faded away for a while to return again. But make no mistake, the former Caesars or “Pontifax Maximus” (literal translation = bridge between man and God) continued their succession from the 1st Caesar of Rome to the Vatican still today, never ceasing to exert their power on the world. The Roman Empire went underground but was never defeated nor ceased to exist. This fall of the Roman Empire is only for history books, so that the naïve believe it to be true.

What has changed?

The Roman Empire never died, and has been kept alive through the papacy of Rome.

There are many many theories on the feet of clay and iron, nearly all of them probably valid. But I want to share something that I believe the Holy Spirit has enlightened me to as I pray constantly for wisdom and knowledge and as the Father increases my faith.

The night of my last surgery in October 2022, I was not in any pain for the first time in several days, and fell into a deep sleep that night. I had the most peculiar dream that for the longest I could not explain. I saw what looked like a fish, something like a blowfish, so fat because it had swallowed the entire planet earth. I looked closer to this fish, and saw that it was a serpent, not a fish, and the scales of it were like the scales of a serpent. As I observed this serpent, I saw that the scales were layered, multitudes of scales, one stacked upon the other. I saw them raise up above the skin, and could see that they were stacked in thick layers reaching high above the serpent. There were billions upon billions of these scales on this serpent that had consumed the whole earth and had taken the shape of the earth. We see this when serpents consume something, you can see it in their body before it is digested.

Upon awaking from that sleep, I immediately prayed for interpretation of the dream because I knew it to be a spiritually important dream. The Holy Spirit later revealed to me a few things that I must share. First, each scale, and there were billions of scales, represented a lie that had deceived the whole earth. Our education system, our medical system, our global political system, history, wars, everything is either a lie, or perhaps a piece of truth that is based on a lie. For example, we know that Hitler exterminated millions of Jews, but we do not know the truth behind the 2nd World War. Our schools have prohibited the teaching of Creationism and demand teaching a lie that random design spawned creation, even though that is a contradiction of terms. Anything random has no design, that’s what makes it random. Evolutionism is a lie based on that mere fact alone. The term “pharmaceutical” is of Greek origin and literally means sorcery. Our medical system is rooted in witchcraft, twisted up to get us hooked on sorcerers concoctions. And so on, and so on, everything on planet earth is a lie or based on a lie except for THE WORD OF GOD. And even the word of God has been attempted to corrupt through inaccurate translations that began in 1960. Go back to the Septuagint when in doubt please!

To continue, the Holy Spirit later revealed to me that silicon semiconductor chip technology were the layered scales I saw on the serpent. Most of these were the high capacity silicon wafer chips that are used for artificial intelligence. The computer age is ushering in the age of artificial intelligence, which will be used to control every aspect of mankind’s existence.

What does that have to do with the statue of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream?

The clay feet represent a new phase of the 4th and final Roman Empire, that will continue to be managed underground from Rome. I was driving in my truck the other day and listening to Chuck Missler discuss the book of Daniel, and as Dr Missler said those words, “The next phase of the Roman Empire”, The Holy Spirit planted a word in my mind that consumed me for days. SILICON.

From my foundry background I should have known this sooner, because we use various components of Silicon Dioxide in the molding process for the metal castings. In fact, many ceramics are pure Si02 or silicon dioxide. The major component of nearly all clays is silicon dioxide, ranging from as low as 45% to as high as 100%, is Si02, or silicon dioxide. In the Psalms chapter 2 article I just shared in the previous article, what does it say about the potters vessel?

Verse 8: “Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron; thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel”.

The potter’s vessel is ceramic formed from clay. The silicon used to manufacture the semiconductors that are used for everything to do with computers and artificial intelligence, is derived from raw Si02 to refine a pure form of silicon. The silicon is then used to manufacture the silicon wafers and chips that are used in semiconductor technology. But all silicon chips have an origin that begins as…….CLAY!!! Or Si02 (silicon dioxide).

The clay feet are demonstrating artificial intelligence and the final phase of the 4th and last Roman empire, before the arrival of the King of whose reign there shall be no end. Isn’t interesting the name for this final empire: The 4th Industrial Revolution (4th and last Roman Empire).

The vision I saw of the serpent that deceives the world with silicon semiconductor wafers or chips, and the clay feet of the idol, are one and the same; Artificial Intelligence.

In the malevolent bioengineering technology of the covid vaccines, another important component to know about was used in the major vaccines distributed. This component is called “graphene oxide”. What is important to know about this without going into any complicated technical details, is that silicon nanochips will adhere rapidly to the graphene oxide self-assembling wafer technology injected through vaccines, all seemingly benign and undetected. In one research publication I read, this biotechnology is so advanced, that these injected components will adhere to genetic material because of the mRNA technology, and a wide range of things can be uploaded and downloaded directly into the vaccinated human body. How is this possible? Welcome 5G high speed internet, traveling at bandwidths almost parallel to light frequencies, so fine that information can move to and from these silicon nanochips at light speed. Graphene oxide is the most electrically conductive material known on earth, and absorbs energy from 5G into the human body, as well as, the human body’s own energy, making the human body a power generation source for the silicon nanochips using graphene oxide and the exchange of information to and from the human body goes completely undetected. This is possibly what verse 43 of Daniel chapter 2 means when it says the clay would mingle with the seed of men but would not cleave, as iron does not cleave to clay. There are, however, other possibilities that relate to Genesis chapter 6. I would say at this moment, I believe it is referencing artificial intelligence in verse 43.

Does this help explain why the world’s number #1 computer billionaire is pumping so much money into pandemics and vaccines, as well as the number one financial supporter of the WHO? Windows for Humans 1.0 is the transhumanist effort of the 4th and final phase of the empire, secretly under Rome, called the 4th Industrial Revolution, and the clay feet mixed with iron of Nebuchadnezzar’s statue. I don’t know about you, but I’m looking forward to seeing it dashed into pieces like a potters vessel by a rod of iron.        

Isn’t wonderful to know God? What hope would there be without God, both Father and Son?

If you would like to know how to detox graphene oxide out of your body, send me an email please and I will share with you what I know.

43 And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay.

44 And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever.

45 Forasmuch as thou sawest that the stone was cut out of the mountain without hands, (THIS IS YEHSHUA!!) and that it brake in pieces the iron, the brass, the clay, the silver, and the gold; the great God hath made known to the king what shall come to pass hereafter: and the dream is certain, and the interpretation thereof sure.

Daniel 2:43-45

9 Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron; thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel. 

Psalms 2:8-9


Clarification on 4th empire


The amazing musical genius of the Psalms