3rd Temple Update:

Happy Sabbath ahead of Yom Kippur! I usually avoid littering your inboxes with redundant news feeds that we already get too much of. But this is an interesting development that I hope all of us end times “Church of Philadelphia” members 😊 are aware of!

You have probably heard about the 3 red heifers that were shipped from Texas to Israel about a year ago. If you are not familiar with the meaning or significance of the red heifers, this ritual comes from the time of Aaron and you can read about the process given to Moses and Aaron by God in the book of Numbers, chapter 19. For the purpose of sanctifying certain objects that required purification by other means, a red heifer free of blemish (no scars, marks, or hairs of a different color other than red, upon which a yoke was never placed) was burned in its entirety. When reduced completely to ashes, was mixed with water from a pure spring source, and sprinkled over whatever person or object was being cleansed of any uncleanness or other impurity. This was typically a dead body, leper, diseased person, or a purification ritual over the spoils of war, etc.

Some unique characteristics of this red heifer ritual is that it was conducted outside the camp, and God was inside the camp. That would be the first indicator that this was not an atoning sacrifice, but a cleansing ritual for something unclean. Aaron’s heir apparent, Eleazer, was chosen for the original process, apparently so as not to risk defiling Aaron. In addition, there were no provisions made for exporting the process to any remote locations. It was strictly confined to a location outside the camp, and after the construction of the temple, was done outside the temple. Obviously, once the first temple was constructed, there could be no other legal location for the process other than near the temple site.

To be certain, the water source is another important part of the process. In the days of Aaron and Moses, young children were selected to carry the pure spring water on the back of a bull, so as not to touch the ground or defile the water in any way. After the construction of the Solomon’s (1st) Temple, later in the days of King Hezekiah, some incredible engineering work was done to secure Jerusalem and the temple against Assyrian attacks. Under King Hezekiah, the first Pool of Siloam was constructed, which was supplied from the famous Gihon Spring. The red heifer ceremony at the 1st temple continued according to Torah requirements until its destruction under Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar.

When the 2nd temple was reconstructed by decree of King Cyrus II under Zerubbabel, the 2nd Pool of Siloam was believed to have been built precisely on top of the previous location of the 1st Pool of Siloam. The 2nd temple was finally completed in 515BC, where Torah sacrificial requirements could once again be carried out. This, of course, included the red heifer ritual, as well as, sanctification of the temple grounds before construction with the red heifer ashes, mixed with the pure Gihon Spring waters that fed the Pool of Siloam. This 2nd construction of the pool is the same Pool of Siloam where Yehshua healed the blind man in John chapter 9.

As we all know, the 2nd temple was completely devastated by the Roman army in 70AD, no stone left upon another as prophesied by Yehshua (Matthew 24:2). The Jewish people were left without a nation to call home for 1878yrs, and without a temple for the last 75yrs since their regathering. We know that the end times began 75yrs ago on May 14, 1948, when US Pres. Harry Truman officially recognized the state of Israel in writing. One very important aspect of Jewish culture that has been missing for the last 75 years since 1948? The 3rd Temple.

The 3rd temple will exist during the tribulation period when daily animal sacrifices will resume just as they did over 2000yrs ago in the 2nd temple and 2900yrs ago in the 1st temple. The primary verses where we can find references to this are Daniel 9:27, 12:11, Thessalonians 2:2-4, and in Matthew 24:15 is implied by Yehshua Himself. To speed through this, my opinion and the opinion of others is that the Psalms 83 war and the Gog Magog war will promulgate the construction of the 3rd temple without opposition. It is likely that the rise of the antichrist and beginning of the tribulation is at this precise point in time, when simultaneously the 3rd temple will undergo a very rapid construction. Plans have been completed for years. Perfect red heifers without spot or blemish have never been located until now. The Pool of Siloam has been rediscovered and verified by Israeli gov’t approved archaeologists. It is time for the next domino to fall, and I believe that will be Psalm 83 followed by Gog Magog in rapid succession. Everyday Israel and its enemies are in the news escalating tensions with each other. Tensions have never been higher since the 6 Day War in 1967. Daniel’s prophecy is close at hand.

The antichrist will cease daily sacrifices at the midpoint of the tribulation according to Daniel, and will set himself up in the temple of God, proclaiming to be God according to Paul. Many of our Protestant forefathers such as Luther saw this as being the papacy of Rome. While the papacy is indeed antichrist in nature, proclaiming to be God, the Vatican is NOT in Jerusalem and is NOT the temple of God.

3 red heifers were shipped to Jerusalem from Texas in the fall of 2022 for the purpose of purifying the temple location and other rituals according to Torah law. What was missing was the historical Pool of Siloam waters to be mixed with the ashes as had been done in the prior 2 temples. It was confirmed by biblical archaeologists earlier this summer that this is no longer the case. The Pool of Siloam was believed to have been discovered in 2004 but until now, archaeologists were not completely certain. Apparently, they are now quite certain of its identity and this news has now made international headlines. The focus of the headlines is of course the event of John chapter 9 verses 1-11. No one is focusing on the significance of the timing of its discovery related to the construction of the 3rd temple. The reconstruction of the Pool of Siloam will likely be completed and opened to the public in a few years, but my guess is that provisions could be made at any time to use the spring water that will once again flow to the pool. Here is a recent headline:

There is something else I desperately want to share about the temple location. I hope it will not make this post too long and cause readers to overlook this important point.

It is very likely that the 3rd temple might be built on the current temple mount location. But that is NOT the location of Solomon’s Temple or the 2nd temple. In 2 Chronicles chapter 3 is explained that Solomon would build the temple in the place where the Lord appeared to David, at the threshing floor on Mt Moriah. The very name Moriah is translated “appearance of Yah”. Remember that was how the name of God was known to the Hebrews, “YAH” (I AM) and where we see Yah in a name (mo-or a yah), it is directly referencing the Almighty. David purchased this threshing floor on Mt Moriah (Chronicles 21 and 2 Samuel 24) for the specific purpose of building the temple there. This is another great story in itself, but for now we’ll leave it for another time.

This is very significant, because Mt Moriah is also the place where 2 other major events occurred. Mt Moriah is where Abraham would offer up his son Isaac before he was stopped by the “Angel of the Lord” (Genesis 22). What is interesting about that phrase “Angel of the Lord” is it can usually be found interchangeably with who is believed to be appearances of Yehshua in the Old Testament (see Joshua 5:13-15). Mt Moriah is also the location of the crucifixion, and where Ron Wyatt located the Ark of the Covenant directly below a hole in the ground where the cross was, over a chamber where Jeremiah hid the Ark before the destruction of the 2nd temple. It is divinely poetic that Yehshua would be the one to stop Abraham, knowing He would be the sacrifice on that same exact spot 1700yrs later! The original temple was located on Mt Moriah, on the threshing floor that DAVID purchased, precisely where Isaac was NOT sacrificed, and where Yehshua WAS! The temple was never at the Dome of the Rock location! The temple was at Golgotha until 70AD!

The Israeli government is well-aware of this fact. Will they build the 3rd temple there on Mt Moriah where the original temple was located? Or on the silly overrated tourist attraction Dome of the Rock location? The Dome of the Rock is a deception, albeit perhaps brilliant to conceal the real temple mount location. Not to mention, the entire rabbinical population of Israel would have to face an uncomfortable truth about Mt Moriah!!

One more point before closing, it is likely that Israel might allow the correct location of the previous temples to remain concealed for archaeological reasons, and construct on the Dome of the Rock to protect any archaeological treasures that may remain there. But if so, how will they extract the Ark of the Covenant to place in the new temple without an explanation as to where they found it? Sounds like an awful political conundrum for someone. It could also be that God protects it and keeps it where it is, just as He is doing now. Perhaps this is the reason for the Ethiopian location deception. Perhaps a fake Ark will emerge out of Ethiopia and be paraded around as though it were the real one. There is really no way to know what will happen regarding the Ark, but I cannot imagine God allowing the antichrist to come anywhere near to it. I believe the headline below is one of many as part of a deception propaganda campaign to shift focus to where the Ark is NOT located and a substitute will appear to save the day.

In Ezekiel 37 verses 26-28, the first reference of a permanent temple is mentioned (“my sanctuary shall be in the midst of them for evermore”), then later, chapters 40-48 are almost entirely dedicated to the millennial temple. Obviously, Yehshua will not sit in a temple where the antichrist once sat, so there MUST be a 4th temple. My assumption is that the Dome of the Rock may likely be the location of the 3rd temple to draw the world’s attention to it rather than to the truth. The truth would be very inconvenient to the antichrist. No one knows the story of Mt Moriah unless they study their bible. The 4th and millennial temple then would be constructed over Mt Moriah, probably to exceed its original splendor, to be sure.

Oh, and by the way, what day is the millennial temple open for worship? Ezekiel chapter 46 says only on the Sabbath. I believe it is safe to assume that is not the day of Babylonian sun worship (Sunday) that Rome stuck us with! Nor will it be called Saturn’s day (English Saturday), nor will any days of the week or the months be named after any pagan gods as they are today. I think it is safe to say that Moon day, Mars day, Mercury day, etc, will no longer have the same name in the Millenium of Peace under the reign of our King. Life “on earth as it is in Heaven” for those 1000yrs and beyond will obviously exclude pagan traditions. No more Santa, no more Ishtar sex bunny, no more demonic halloweens, sorry!!! Better get used to it now!! I digress…..

Abraham, David, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Daniel, Paul, and Yehshua, would all be very proud that we are not ignorant of the times in which we live. We may all fall short in many ways, but by the eyes of the heart and under the guidance of the Holy Spirit we are enlightened 😊 Praise and glory to the Most High God!!

It is about 3 minutes to midnight on God’s clock. Hopefully we’re all invited to a wedding at the Father’s House. If not, find a place to get out of the heat and try not to stand next to any liberals or atheists! Oops :(

I heard a pastor once say “when you see the red heifers standing in Israel, look up! A Galilean wedding in the Father’s House is nigh!” All that was missing was the Pool of Siloam and it has been confirmed. The red heifers have been in Jerusalem for a year! Plans for the 3rd Temple have been ready for a while. The Great Tribulation Temple could begin construction at any time, but where? Your guess is as good as mine, but I believe the Dome of the Rock to be more strategically accurate. The 4th Millennial Temple should be on Mt Moriah/Golgotha, above the Garden Tomb.

 In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.

John 14:2-4

Wedding language! Look up!!


Today is Yom Kippur: Shabbat of Shabbats


Happy Rosh Hashanah! Happy Sabbath!