Happy Rosh Hashanah! Happy Sabbath!

Today is one of those occasions when Pope Gregory VIII actually got it right! Today is a biblical Sabbath. If you recall last year I wrote about the actual Feast of Trumpets/Rosh Hashanah was several days off and if I recall correctly, actually fell on a Tuesday near the end of September.

It may be difficult understanding the actual day of every Sabbath, but the Fall Feast Days will begin with Rosh Hashanah which will always fall on a new moon and is therefore, easier to identify. The remaining Feasts will follow on “BIBLICAL” Sabbaths, nothing to do with Pope Gregory’s calendar;

Yom Teruah – Rosh Hashanah (literally translated means head of year - on another blog article I will discuss another biblical “head of year” according to Exodus) is also the Day of Trumpets - Miqra Qodesh (High Sabbath)

Sundown September 16 to sundown September 17, 2023

Yom Teruah is the first fall feast – it marks the start of the fall feast season. Teruah means to make a loud noise, which is why Yom Teruah is also called the “Day of Trumpets” or “Day of Shouting.” The significance of this Feast is it will mark the return of Yehshua! We should therefore know when it is!

Yom HaKippurim - Yom Kippur - Day of Atonements - Miqra Qodesh (High Sabbath)

Sundown September 25 to sundown September 26, 2023

Yom Kippur is the 10th day of the biblical month of Tishrei. In the Hebrew Torah (Lev. 23:27-28) this day is called Yom HaKippurim (in the plural), which literally means Day of “coverings”, as this is the day when the High Priest would pour the blood of a goat over the Kaporet (the Hebrew for the Mercy Seat, same root) to atone (cover) for the many sins and transgressions (plural again) of the nation of Israel.

On Yom Kippur, we are told to do no work whatsoever and to “afflict our souls” or “deny ourselves.” This is most often taken to mean fasting, or not eating. The Jews and people who observe Yom Kippur do not eat or drink from sunset to sunset. The point of fasting is to help us focus on things that are more important than our body’s desire for food.

It is interesting that on this “Feast” we are called to “afflict ourselves” or fast. It is also the only Feast that does not fall on a Sabbath to my knowledge, as it is always the 9th and 10th day after Rosh Hashanah. Yet is considered a “sabbath day of rest” where we are called to do no work and fast and pray for atonement. Why should we care about this?

According to Leviticus 16:31, this is an eternal statute of the law. Thank God that by His Grace and by His mercy our ignorance of His calendar thanks to the numerous Roman Ceasars and Popes is forgiven.  

Chag HaSukkot - 1st day of the Feast of Booths, Tabernacles - Miqra Qodesh (High Sabbath)

Sundown September 30 to sundown October 1, 2023

Remember that this is what I believe to be the day of Yehshua’s actual birth, when He tabernacled with men for 33yrs, 1 week of years short of the same 40yrs He tabernacled with Israel in the wilderness. The final week of this 2nd 40yr tabernacle might very well likely be completed in the Father’s House!!! (ie; “The Rapture of the Bride” that so many believe is non-biblical ☹)

(From Michael Rood) Sukkot (pronounced sue-COAT) is also called the Feast of Tabernacles, or Feast of Booths. Sukkot is one of the three pilgrimage feasts, or feasts for which we are commanded to “go up” to Jerusalem. Today there is no Temple to go to in Jerusalem, (important topic for another discussion!) but we still celebrate this feast because it is a rehearsal of events that have already occurred and some yet to come. The first day of Sukkot is a High Sabbath and the day immediately following the seven-day feast (Shemini Atzeret) is also a High Sabbath (special Sabbaths other than the weekly Sabbath) of no work.

During the feast of Sukkot we remember when the Almighty led the Israelites out of Egypt, and they lived in shelters in the wilderness for 40 years. During this time, the Almighty also dwelt in a sukkah (sue-KAH), the singular form of the Hebrew word sukkot, among the people (i.e. in the “tabernacle”).

For Sukkot, each family is commanded to build a temporary shelter (a sukkah) and dwell in it for the length of the 8-day feast. Some people set up a tent to dwell in during this time, while others build more elaborate, yet temporary structures with PVC pipe, bamboo, or wooden boards. It can be as simple as a square or rectangle top and four legs. The walls of the sukkah are usually some kind of fabric.

Most people eat their meals in the sukkah and some even camp out in it each night. The sukkah is intended to remind us of our need for the Almighty’s provision and of the fact that our life on Earth is temporary, like the sukkah itself.

What Does It Mean?

Physically speaking, the Feast of Sukkot commemorates when, over 2,000 years ago on the first day of Sukkot (a High Sabbath), the Messiah was born. He was the very Word of the Almighty made flesh, and literally “dwelt” or “tabernacled” with us. 

In a spiritual sense, the Feast of Sukkot is all about finally dwelling with the Almighty after the end times. When we are gathered to the Messiah, there will be a great feast (during the feast of Sukkot, of course). The Bible likens it to a wedding feast and calls it the Marriage Supper of the Lamb (Rev. 19:6) . The groom is Messiah and we (the church of Acts/Philadelphia) are like a bride that has waited for him.

Then, on the Last Great Day, the eighth day of the feast (which I believe to be the last day of the wedding ceremony and the end of the Tribulation) Yeshua returns to the earth on a white horse to rule with his people for 1,000 years. In the final fulfillment of this feast (at the end of the 1000yr reign) there will be a new Heaven and new Earth, and we will finally dwell with the Almighty forever — the eternal Sukkot!

Sh'mini Atzeret - Eighth Day, Last Great Day - Miqra Qodesh (High Sabbath)

Sundown October 7 to sundown October 8, 2023

The pastor that conducted my mother’s funeral in 1986, seemed to be stuck on saying something that was so redundant, it is almost the only thing I can remember about her funeral. I believe it was prophetic, specifically to THIS GENERATION!!!


But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

Matthew 24:36-37 Hold that thought! I have more to discuss about this!

This is the new moon as of the time of this writing, last night at sundown was .8%. This is a true Sabbath Day Feast!


3rd Temple Update:


The king mowed the grass?