Gone gaga over Gog and Magog!
Is it my imagination or is everyone talking about the Gog and Magog War these days? Yet another sign of the times! Thank you Heavenly Father that we are not ignorant of the times in which we live! The purpose of this blog is to provide deeper insights to the already enlightened believer so that our faith be further increased by new knowledge.
In almost every commentary regarding the shortest verse of the bible, John 11:35 where he states “Jesus wept”, they all miss the most important point. Nearly every pastor will tell us that He wept over man’s miserable condition, when He overlooked the city. The chapter is dedicated to the death and resurrection of Lazarus. While that may be partially true, the real reason He wept can be seen in Luke 19 as He overlooked the city before going down to Jerusalem to be crucified. It was impossible to miss the signs of His coming, yet His own people knew Him not, nor were aware of the times, trapped in bondage by the fruitless law (Mosaic Law) and totally ignorant of the clues of prophecy. God’s precision in executing prophetic fulfillments was so perfect down to the very day of His coming, yet no one was paying attention. And He wept. Here was the savior foretold of old by the prophets, and His people were ignorant of the times and He wept for them, knowing their fate would be harsh and cruel due to their willing ignorance.
Well, I can tell you that while, yes, many Christians are ignorant of the prophetic times we live, many are not. Many are looking up and awaiting His arrival, knowing that this age is soon to end and a new age of peace in the absence of satan will soon begin. I am very far behind on these blog articles, but hopefully soon I will get the time to explain why so many Christians are in disagreement over the subject of the rapture. There are some very important things to understand, but for now, the war of Gog and Magog is lining up perfectly according to prophecy. I mention the rapture in the context of Gog and Magog because I believe the 1st rapture is timed with the breakout of this war. Why do I say that? Because it is nuclear and comes to our shores (Ezekiel 39:6-8) and the weapons burn for only 7yrs.
To speed through this and get to the point, please do your own research on the war. If you have any specific unanswered questions, I would love to answer them by email mark@johnone.org. For now, understand that this war is nuclear. The war of Psalm 83 is a prelude to the Gog Magog war and includes all of the adjacent neighbors to Israel. In response, I believe Gog Magog is the result of the Psalm 83 war, and becomes nuclear, when God sets a hook in the jaw of………Gog?? (Ezekiel 38:4)
These wars of Psalm 83 and Gog Magog of Ezekiel are provoked by the Most High God Himself in order to show once again to the world that He is God there is no other before Him. In the interest of time, read Ezekiel chapters 36-39.
Observation: All of Israel’s neighbors are Muslim countries. The Gog and Magog war will eliminate any Muslim resistance to rebuild the 3rd temple when the God of Israel squashes Israel’s enemies in this war. The antichrist will protect Israel in a peace covenant that allows a rapid construction of the temple.
Observation: The war of Gog and Magog in Revelation 20 is not the same war of Ezekiel. In Ezekiel they are cleaning up dead bodies for 7 months and weapons for 7yrs. In Ezekiel 39:14 says men will be hired to seek out dead bodies and bury them. In Ezekiel 39:9-10 the use of the weapons remaining from the war will provide a burning energy for 7yrs. While the body of the man inhabited by Gog is buried, it is not the end of Gog until Revelation chapter 20 when he is cast in the lake of fire.
Observation: This is a nuclear war described by Ezekiel over 2500yrs ago! What hit me is that the weapons only burn for 7yrs. A nuclear energy source will extend far and beyond 7yrs, so why does this verse restrict the energy source of the weapons to only 7yrs? Because this is the Tribulation Period! If we back up to the beginning of the Gog Magog war would be the timing of the 1st rapture.
All of this I say to get to the point of this mysterious Gog who is at center stage in this war. I had previously assumed that Gog was a high-ranking demon, and that his territory of authority was Meshech and Tubal. Here is a map of the biblically correct region of Meshech and Tubal.
This is a fairly accurate map according to the divisions of the earth distributed among Noah’s children and grandchildren as described in Genesis and Jubilees. This is from Zondervan’s Bible Atlas, a better than average resource. Meshech and Tubal is generally considered the area we know as modern day Turkey. Recall that another antichrist ruled from here about exactly 1700yrs ago, Emperor Constantine of Rome, who was so disgusted with Roman politics he relocated to this region and thus “Byzantium” or modern-day Istanbul became the new strategic location for the centralization of the Roman Empire under Constantine. This became known as Constantinople after Constantine’s death, seat of the Byzantine Empire, where Rome had been split into eastern and western divisions. While it is true that this Roman/Byzantian Empire eventually faded from view, it never totally collapsed, as evidenced by the enormous power wielded by the Vatican today, of course. Rome still rules the world covertly. It stands to reason then, that this mysterious Gog would be located in this region of so much history and consolidation of power over the centuries.
About 12yrs ago, I had a prophetic dream that perplexed me for quite some time. I shared it with my Christian friends, none of us came up with anything that I could say definitively was a good interpretation of the dream. In short, I saw the symbol of the Turkish flag over a structure I didn’t know the name of at the time. One day in a conversation with some friends, the discussion of an ancient church came up called the Hagia Sophia in Istanbul. When I looked it up, I was aghast. It was exactly what I had seen in my dream. Now I’ll try to break this down in 500 words or less! This is the modern symbolism of the Turkish flag, which is also Islamic symbolism.
This flag supposedly represents the crescent moon and 5 pointed star (5 pillars of Islam) dating to the time of Mohammed. Turkey adopted this flag as its own but wasn’t recognized as a nation until the signing of the Treaty of Lausanne in 1923. But this symbolism is far older than 1923 or even Mohammed. Most historians credit the Ottoman Turks with having adopted this flag, some historians take it all the way back to Constantine, and that the symbolism of the Ottoman Turks who conquered Constantinople in 1453 was actually taken from Constantine’s own flag created around 300AD. That begs the question, where did Constantine get the idea?
The very name of the Byzantine Empire originated from the Greek city “Byzas”, the name of a son of the pagan god Poseidon. This Nephilim misfit named Byzas was instructed by the Oracle of Apollo (literally a medium to satan himself) to construct the city and name it after himself. The Byzantine Empire acquired its name under the authority of Constantine, named after a Nephilim galactic misfit known as Byzas. Where did Constantine get the name? If you keep digging, it gets deeper.
The name Byzantium predates Constantine by over 800yrs! This coin is from 512BC when Byzas was conquered by King Darius of Persia. Notice the crescent moon and star of the modern 1923 Turkish flag on this coin from 512BC:
So let’s keep digging. How old is this symbolism? The crescent moon and star are symbols of ancient Babylon dating back to the days of Nimrod and Ishtar, or Ashterah in the biblical phonetic transliteration, a counterpart to the fallen angel goddess Inanna that Jonathon Cahn mentions in his book “Return of the Gods”. Here are some far older images predating the Turkish or Ottoman Empires by thousands of years:
Below we can see Poseidon’s image and trident fork associated with the crescent moon and star of Ishtar. This coin dates back to ancient Elam (Iraq), the land of Ur possibly as far back as the days of Abraham and Nimrod. In certain legends, Byzas was one of the offspring between Ishtar and Poseidon. This is fallen angel activity from the ancient past, dating back over 3500 yrs. This crescent moon and star goes all the way back to the days of Nimrod and is nothing new.
In ancient Babylon, the union between the moon and the star were symbolic of the “bringer of the dawn”. The star was Venus and the crescent moon reflected the light of the sun below Venus. Ishtar or the goddess Inanna, was associated with Venus, that could only be seen at dawn before the “light bearer” (lucifer) would blind it from view with his light. You can do your own research on this, but to fast forward, this is sun worship, moon and star worship, all wrapped up in luciferian and Ishtar worship. Every symbol of ancient Babylon can be found located between 2 places, Islam and Catholicism. Both religions originated in Rome regardless of what you might think you already know. Mohammad was married to a catholic woman of a wealthy and influential family as discussed in one of my videos. Islam was born to save the power of Rome that was in decline as Christianity was expanding exponentially in masse. Send me an email if you want to hear the podcast or watch the video and I’ll send you a link.
This is the image I saw in my dream 12yrs ago. I later found it to be the Hagia Sophia church in Istanbul, Turkey.
This church as we know it today was rebuilt by Justinian I in the 6th century, originally built by Constantine as a “Christian” church where paganism and Christianity combined. This could be considered the 1st catholic church by definition. The church remained mostly a location for the neo-Christian worship of the era until the Ottoman conquest of Constantinople in 1453AD. The Turks brutally tortured, raped and killed hundreds of men, women and children here during the conquest. What does this have to do with Gog and Magog?
This Gog character has had me perplexed for many years. Who, what or where is he or it? Then one day I was researching the ancient Babylonian deities after reading Jonathan Cahn’s book “Return of the Gods”, and I found something interesting. We must remember that our bible contains ancient history, and much of that history is considered biblical pre-history. In much of the pre-history segments, many of the words are phonetically transliterated from their original Akkadian into Hebrew, then to Greek, back to Hebrew, then to King James English, then to whatever language of the bible you are reading today.
In my research, I found that Gog was the ancient Akkadian deity “Gaga”, and was associated with the planet Saturn. If you’ve seen my videos on the pagan origins of our holidays that all originated in ancient Rome, you know that Saturnalia worship is closely aligned with Christmas and was the reason our founding fathers prohibited December 25th celebrations back in the Colonial American era. Gaga was a moon of Saturn, that was cast out to the perimeter of our solar system by…….? I believe our entire solar system was at one time inhabited by fallen angels, is the only way to make sense of these ancient pagan deities that were associated with planets in ancient times.
In a deeper study of these ancient Akkadian deities from the time of Nimrod, this Gaga was also pronounced with a firmer G to sound like a “K” and could spoken as Kakka. Gaga was a lesser deity, a messenger to the higher-ranking deities or “fallen angels”. Gaga communicated between these gods and was believed to take messages to the underworld to a deity there known as “Nergal”. So, in some way, the planet Saturn was an important epicenter to these ancient deities or fallen angels known as gods, and Gaga is associated with Saturn as being a centralized astrological messenger datum point to and from the locations of the other gods/fallen angels.
Out of curiosity, I began looking into the strange performer Lady Gaga to see if I could find a connection due to the name. She is a well-known sleezy illuminati “entertainer” of sorts. And what a coincidence:
Obviously, this satanic entertainer is a messenger for the “other gods”, thus the name and symbology that date back to the time of Nimrod and Ishtar.
For some peculiar reason that would only be known to luciferian insiders, this weird person that calls herself “Lady Gaga” obviously associates herself with the ancient Akkadian messenger deity Gaga and Saturn.
Let me connect all these random dots to speed through what has taken me years to decipher. Gog is Gaga, a messenger to lucifer and the rest of the fallen angels that are at war with our God. Magog is the “Land of Gog” literally translated. Magog is modern day Turkey, who flies the flag of lucifer and Ishtar over their country. Turkey will be at the center of this war prophesied by Ezekiel, the Gog and Magog war. The messenger spirit of Gaga/Gog will inhabit a leader of Turkey when this war breaks out. God will destroy all of Israel’s enemies in this war to send a message through Gog the messenger to the enemies of God. I don’t think Gog wants this job, but has had a hook set in his jaw because of who he aligned himself with at the fall of lucifer, and is being dragged into the fight against his will. God’s will prevails, Gog chose his side, now here is a message direct from God that will be demonstrated by the Gog and Magog war: Don’t mess with God you fools!
And imagine the poetry of Revelation 20, when God finally kills the messenger 1000yrs later!!
What does this have to do with the Hagia Sophia church in Istanbul? I believe this place where hundreds of Christians were brutally raped, tortured and murdered by the Turks in 1453, is the current dwelling habitation on the earth by the fallen angel known to the Akkadians as Gaga, known to us as Gog. Gog had something to do with the galactic misfit Nephilim named Byzas, for whom the Byzantine Empire was also named and never died, rather, the Byzantium religion that corrupted Christianity beginning with Constantine, has continued under Rome and the Vatican. God will set a hook in Gog’s jaw and drag him out into this fight, first burying his earthly host after a nuclear confrontation with Israel, then sending him to the lake of fire at the end of the millennium of peace in Revelation 20.
This Land of Magog confrontation with Israel is being staged perfectly before our eyes. We are the chosen generation to witness the fulfillment of all prophecy in the short few years remaining ahead. In fact, the Psalm 83 war could happen at this very moment, that’s how close we are! Give thanks to the Most High God for choosing us to be the witnesses of the final Days of Elijah ahead!!!
Thank you Heavenly Father that we are not ignorant of your imminent arrival!!! Eden will be restored! On earth as it is in heaven!!!
And the word of the Lord came unto me, saying, Son of man, set thy face against Gog, the land of Magog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy against him, And say, Thus saith the Lord God; Behold, I am against thee, O Gog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal: And I will turn thee back, and put hooks into thy jaws, and I will bring thee forth, and all thine army, horses and horsemen, all of them clothed with all sorts of armour, even a great company with bucklers and shields, all of them handling swords:
And thou shalt come up against my people of Israel, as a cloud to cover the land; it shall be in the latter days, and I will bring thee against my land, that the heathen may know me, when I shall be sanctified in thee, O Gog, before their eyes.
And it shall come to pass at the same time when Gog shall come against the land of Israel, saith the Lord God, that my fury shall come up in my face.
For in my jealousy and in the fire of my wrath have I spoken, Surely in that day there shall be a great shaking in the land of Israel;
So that the fishes of the sea, and the fowls of the heaven, and the beasts of the field, and all creeping things that creep upon the earth, and all the men that are upon the face of the earth, shall shake at my presence, and the mountains shall be thrown down, and the steep places shall fall, and every wall shall fall to the ground.
And I will call for a sword against him throughout all my mountains, saith the Lord God: every man's sword shall be against his brother.
And I will plead against him with pestilence and with blood; and I will rain upon him, and upon his bands, and upon the many people that are with him, an overflowing rain, and great hailstones, fire, and brimstone.
Thus will I magnify myself, and sanctify myself; and I will be known in the eyes of many nations, and they shall know that I am the Lord.
Ezekiel 38:1-4, 16, 18-23
Next blog topic: A Tale of Two Raptures