Oh, you’re a Christian too?

I have so many topics I want to share and cannot get around to them efficiently. I started working on the Sodom and Gomorrah video 2 weeks ago, to expose a few things that we miss about the story, and also to expand on the issue of homosexuality being the primary reason for their destruction. There was much more to the story, but homosexuals that choose to continue living their lifestyle of “confusion” use a few verses out of context to say that churches that are against homosexuality are spreading a false doctrine and should be ashamed. Love the sinner and hate the sin, we are all guilty of something that God detests. But homosexuality is a sin and should be repented of and turned away from, as much so as lying, stealing, dishonoring our parents, adultery, fornication and lust of the flesh, spreading gossip, envy of others who “have” while complaining that we “have not”. In fact, if you’ve picked up a newspaper to read your horoscope, or bowed to a statue of Mary, I would say those things are higher on God’s list of detestable sins than the “confusion” of homosexuality.

Anyway, I digress. The video is to expose who I believe are the 4 angels beneath the Euphrates (Rev 9:14,15), and what they had to do with Sodom and Gomorrah. Meanwhile, I want to get on with a deeper study of spiritual warfare, and understand the legal operations of God’s judicial system. If we have any unconfessed sin, or continue any form of sin without repentance, we set ourselves up for defeat against the demonic realm in spiritual warfare. Demons never stop pursuing us whether we are aware of their presence or not. If you are a spirit filled Christian, you are a nonstop moving target for the demonic. They never stop looking for a way to legally enter your life and wreak havoc. My goal is to compile and share a list, though not exhaustive, of how we can open the doors to the demonic without realizing what we have done to empower them to legally inflict harm on us in a number of ways. If you can be patient with me, I will get it done soon. I am fighting the clock on some projects running a year behind schedule and trying to wrap them up and get my weekends back for the blog. I am almost there, but not yet.

For today, I want to share a new insight that, actually, just came up this morning.

I have always struggled with how to open discussions with non-christians, or people that call themselves Christian just to identify with a particular social group but are not saved. Think for a minute about how many people you know that go to a Christian church, or identify themselves as Christian, but are not saved. In fact, they claim to be Christians but are uncomfortable even discussing biblical topics. When I consider this, it is probably over 95% of the people I know. This is one of satan’s greatest achievements, convincing Christians that he doesn’t really exist, and believe much of the bible is just mythical or some other explanation for the inexplicable. The reason I started this blog was hoping to help so called Christians help themselves to become true believers by sharing things that are undeniably of divine origin or nature, and open the blocked mind to receive greater depths of truth.

One example, a friend recently asked me what I thought about aliens and extraterrestrials. I said, “let me put it to you like this, do you believe in God?” He said, “yeah but what does that have to do with aliens?” I replied, “do you think God is from earth? God Himself is by definition an alien, and the bible is written in a manner that reveals the 4th dimension of time, proving He exists outside of our specific time domain, confirming that His written word is of extraterrestrial origin.” Of course, he changed the subject and regretted having even asked the question.

Which brings me to another point. In nearly every conversation I find myself engaged in, I battle with the preconceived notion that I am a bit crazy and whacko. I am against everything luciferian, and lucifer’s fingerprints can be seen everywhere we look in this world. It is difficult to give strong credibility to the gospel with people who already think I am whacko before the conversation begins. I have found that a better strategy is to turn the question back on them, away from me, and the Holy Spirit has helped me to discover a way to do this.

Being as tactful as possible to not lose the interest of the person you’re trying to help, consider this strategy:

When the opportunity arises, ask, “oh, you’re a Christian? I didn’t know! That’s awesome! The world needs more of us! What denomination?” No matter what the reply, you can say something like, “It is something unique to be a Christian. No other religion can claim what we claim. That a Messiah was prophesied 4000 yrs in advance (Genesis 3:15), mock sacrifices of lambs without blemish went on for those 4 millennia, beginning with Abel in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 4), in anticipation of the final sacrifice of God Himself on a cross, at the very same spot on Mt Moriah where Abraham almost sacrificed his son 1800yrs prior! (Genesis 22) An archangel named Gabriel appeared to a poor young virgin Jewish girl in Israel, and said she would supernaturally conceive a child, whose father would be God Himself! And the child would become the sacrificial “lamb without blemish” prophesied for 4000yrs. He was born on the Feast of Tabernacles, (not Nimrod’s birthday) and visited by foreign kings from a far away land that followed a star that never moved from its place for 2 years! Then He lived as a man performing all kinds of supernatural acts and exposed the demonic realm openly for the first time in history, only to be beaten to death and hung for speaking the truth perfectly! Then walked out of His tomb fully resurrected, ascending into a cloud to sit at the right hand of the throne of God, (Acts 1, Mark 16) fulfilling thousands of years of prophecy and putting an end to animal sacrifices, that by His death and by God’s Grace we are saved and by no other method! Then He sent His Holy Spirit that left a burning flame on the heads of the disciples while they spoke in unknown languages, fully empowered by their atonement in Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit to cast out the same demons that Yehshua did while He was on the earth as a man! And by the way, He said He was leaving to go and prepare a place for us somewhere else in the universe! (John 14:3-6) Isn’t it wonderful to be called a Christian?!

Be prepared for a response like “hmmm, I’ve never heard all of that before.” To which you can say, “really? What bible does your church use? Because all of what I just said is in the Holy Bible.”

You will be considered no less crazy, but will have planted the seeds of truth in the mind of the unsaved Christian and allow the Holy Spirit to begin a new phase in this person’s life. The truth of the story of the Messiah requires a massive degree of faith to believe it to be true. And this may possibly be a way to save the unsaved that identify as Christians twice a year on pagan holidays, but will sadly hear “depart from me I never knew you!” if we do not try to help them. (Matthew 7:23) As they wrap their minds around these remarks, perhaps will remind them they were missing some pieces to the story while having shared the pews of the dead and dying.

Of the 7 churches of Revelation, only one escapes the hour of wrath in the final week of Daniel (Rev 3:10), the 7yr Tribulation. The 6 churches remaining will be the ones that thought YOU were crazy! Let that thought embolden you!

16 He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. 17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; 18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover. 19 So then after the Lord had spoken unto them, he was received up into heaven, and sat on the right hand of God.

Mark 16:16-19

The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost, be with you all! Amen!

2 Corinthians 13:14


Gone gaga over Gog and Magog!


Happy Re-Birthday Israel!