Infinite wisdom

Hast thou not known? Hast thou not understood? - This is the language of the prophet Isaiah reproving the Israelites for complaining of being forsaken and assuring them that God was faithful to his promises. This argument of the prophet, which continues to the close of the chapter, comprises the main scope of the chapter, which is to induce them to put confidence in God, and to believe that he was able and willing to deliver them.

The phrase, 'Hast thou not known? refers to the fact that the Jewish people had had abundant opportunities of learning, in their history, and from their fathers, the true character of God, and his entire ability to save them. No people had had so much insight on the subject of God, and now that they were in a testing situation, should recall their former knowledge of his character, and remember his dealings of faithfulness with them and their fathers. (*Barnes Notes)

It is well for the people of God in times of calamity and trial to recall to their recollection his former dealings with his people. That history will furnish abundant sources of consolation, and abundant assurances that their interests are safe in his hands. We should think of God’s wisdom like the ocean or space, we have only explored a minute amount of Him through His word. We fail to contemplate the true depths of His vast wisdom yet unexplored. Yesterday while eating papaya, blueberries and strawberries in the morning, I thought to myself, “He made these for us. We take these incredibly wonderful fruits and foods for granted, not pausing to think about the inventor of these things and that they were made for our pleasure and good health”.

When we ponder aspects of creation, we are exploring the depths of God’s infinite wisdom. We cannot comprehend any of it, only be thankful for it. Isaiah was a faithful man, never forgetting, forsaking or questioning the motives of his infinitely wise Father. And in this passage he was reprimanding the Jewish people for their foolish abandonment of wisdom. They were returning to a state of mind that would insure their demise as they fell away from God.

We all will experience harsh circumstances from time to time. After all, planet earth is a dangerous place under satan’s reign, with diseases, violence and wars that were not the original intention of the Creator. In times like these, pause and study Creation, as it is where the wisdom of God is most easily revealed. Observe the sacred geometry that can be found by looking at a single flower pedal. Then look at the same flower pedal under a microscope, first at low power then high power. If you go all the way down to the molecular level, you will continue to see different geometric shapes emerging that form an additional variety of patterns and differing geometric shapes, expanding larger and larger until the entire flower is formed. Then go to the atomic level and you will see everything in motion, electrons circling a nucleus and even a dead flower is alive with changes and shifts of energy in the life cycle of the flower from seed to plant to flower and back to seed as the plant returns to soil. And the entire time from seed to seed and to soil, there is a constant motion on an atomic level in continuing shifts of geometric patterns. Now multiply each of these physiological changes by magnitudes of themselves, and then multiply that magnitude of multiples by every living thing on earth, and you have an equation of multiple factors so extensive that no computer on earth could calculate the millions of multiple factors to the billions of powers in the equation. And all of that is still only a fraction of God’s infinite wisdom!

Then when I consider all of that, I’m reminded of Psalms chapter 2 that begins:

Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?

2 The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord, and against his anointed, saying,

3 Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.

4 He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision.

5 Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure.

Give thanks for the life of Isaiah, and pray this Psalm as the heathen rage and the kings of the earth plot in vain against the Most High God. He WILL have the last laugh!

There is no wisdom greater than that of the Most High God!

Prepare ye the way of the Lord! These are the days of the Friends of God!


The reprobate mind


The days of Elijah