The days of Elijah
It has been over a month since I have written anything, and for this I apologize again. I am ridiculously busy with a thankless job that has few merits. It is a circumstance I strive to escape from without compromises, but for now it is a condition I live with.
However, I still make time for reading, though my time for writing is limited. In this morning’s reading, 1 Samuel 2:8-9 came up and brought a few points to mind I would like to share.
He raiseth up the poor out of the dust, and lifteth up the beggar from the dunghill, to set them among princes, and to make them inherit the throne of glory: for the pillars of the earth are the Lord's, and he hath set the world upon them. 9 He will keep the feet of his saints, and the wicked shall be silent in darkness; for by strength shall no man prevail.
I compared this to the “Message Version” of the bible, and was intrigued by their translation of “saints” in verse 9, as “friends”.
He protectively cares for his faithful friends, step by step, but leaves the wicked to stumble in the dark.
Whether this translation is accurate or not, it prompted me to ponder this word “friend” as in what it means to be a friend of God. We know that Abraham was known as a friend of God, and I have considered in depth what this means.
How does God qualify a “friend”? What is the difference between a “friend” and a “servant” of God?
We are all called to be servants and this is a daily walk. How we live determines whether we serve God or serve satan. We serve one or the other, there is no middle ground on this issue.
To become a friend of God is a far higher level above servant. A friend of God confronts His enemies head on. In Abraham’s youth he destroyed Babylonian idols in his father’s home. He wrecked idols in various places, confronted demonic ravens (account from book of Jubilees), and went to battle with God’s enemies. He chased after the armies of King Amraphel (Nimrod) who were nephillim giant warriors, slaughtering most and the rest he sent scurrying home. Same with Moses, Joshua, Elijah, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Daniel and others. These were men who feared God alone and nothing else, confronting the enemies of God head on regardless of consequences. And as “friends of God” were blessed mightily. Daniel was cast into a furnace and not burned, thrown into a den of lions to be killed by them, but they became circus pets in his presence. Moses called down plagues on Egypt, parted the sea and led Israel out of slavery on dry ground. Joshua went to war with hybrid fallen angel nephillim tribes, recorded as being over 35ft tall (higher than the cedars of Lebanon -Numbers 13:33 / Amos 2:9). But God was Joshua’s friend, and Joshua was God’s friend, and would attack and slaughter these hybrid giants without fear, except by the fear of God alone. Elijah called down fire from heaven and destroyed the priests of Ahab’s idols. Later he would be carried away by angels on a heavenly vessel.
These were friends of God, who knew that no matter what circumstances appeared to be stacked against them, by their own strength could accomplish nothing, but by their friend who was the author and founder of the heavens and the earth, could accomplish whatever He would have them to do. By His might and by His power, they plowed ahead into any circumstances to His purpose and to His defense against a common enemy, satan and his fallen angels and their operatives on earth. These were righteous men, guarding constantly against the wiles of satan, and any snares and temptations that could possibly compromise their friendship with the Alimighty God of Israel. There was no temptation the devil could offer that was worth compromising their friendship with the great “I Am”, Sovereign Lord over all the heavens and all the earth. No amount of gold, or harem of beautiful women, or treasures of the earth were worth losing this friend.
We should all be striving to become more than servants, to become worthy of being known as a “friend of God”. It is the ultimate high calling. We live in the age of the final battle. Satan and his operatives are waging war against God and His chosen elect. The spirit of Semiramis (mother and wife of Nimrod) and the spirit of Jezebel are rapidly devouring the minds of the human race. In public schools young children are being taught that just because they were born as boy or girl doesn’t mean they can’t choose to become the other gender. This delusion is identified in Romans chapter 1:28 and is from God for those who scoff and do not believe. Simultaneously, the church of satan is growing fast. Global political leaders are all members of this elite club of satanists, and believe they are going to become “as gods”, the age old lie, while they issue mandates that we be injected with their serpent venom to dispose of us. We are their enemy, and these are the “days of Elijah” foretold of.
And if these are the “days of Elijah”, then these are the days of the “friends of God”.
May the Son of God and the Holy Spirit be with you and bless you in this final chapter of the age of apostasy.
And it came to pass, as they still went on, and talked, that, behold, there appeared a chariot of fire, and horses of fire, and parted them both asunder; and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven.
2 Kings 2:11