Podcast has been updated

Just to let you know, many people have been asking about the podcast because they have difficulty getting around to watching the videos. I have uploaded all of the videos that have been published, converted to Mp3 onto the podcast. The podcast is on Podbean, and a new page has been added to the website with each recorded podcast in sequence just as the videos are on youtube.

Please use the podcast to supplement the videos, not to replace them. In some cases the podcast may be enough, but in most cases, there are maps and photos that enhance our knowledge of each study. Please do not ignore the videos, and I hope the podcast will inspire you to go back and review some of the videos after you have heard the Mp3 version.

To connect from the website, you can go here and review the list of podcasts:

Johnone.org podcasts

To connect directly from the Podbean account, you can click here:


After going to Podbean, click “FOLLOW” on the mdwood555 podcast and you will receive alerts when new podcasts are available.

Please share with friends and family that you think can benefit from the educational videos and podcasts, as well as, the blog articles, by encouraging them to subscribe for updates and blog articles.

Thank you!!


Ruth, the grand finale!


Reviewing Ruth, matriarch of Shavuot