The Missing Salem of the 2017 Eclipse
Salem Cemetery near Laramie, Wyoming, 1 mile from where the town of Salem once was.
A very interesting woman by the name of Alexis C Katz has published a fascinating book called “The Great American Writing on the Wall”. In her book, she includes nearly 200 name related coincidences beneath the paths of totality between the 2017 and 2024 eclipses. If you have an interest in reading more of her documented research, you can find this book online.
The point I wanted to make is that she was only able to locate 6 Salems under the 2017 eclipse path, and that there was no Salem in Wyoming. There is so much information on the web and it all requires much vetting, so I decided to look for myself.
Yours truly has located the missing Salem, near Laramie, Wyoming, within the same 85-90% range of the path of totality as many of the others. Does this really matter? No, not really, except that if God were sending a message I don’t believe there would be 7 Ninevahs and only 6 Salems.
Published 3 weeks before the 2017 Eclipse? So that we would know it was there?
Perhaps, this is trivial and obscure, maybe even irrelevant. But the fact remains that there was a Salem, Wyoming up until 1914, 12 miles northwest of Laramie. If a thousand years to us is as a day to the Lord, Salem, Wyoming still existed 2 1/2hrs ago on His clock. Make of it what you will, but I feel it is important to share for the naysayers that find something wrong with everything prophetic or biblically relevant in these last days. If you shared the previous post with someone that comes back to you with an AH HA! There is NO SALEM in Wyoming! You can hit them with this post. Someone should make a new comedy film called “The Scoffers”, because it really is almost comical if it were not so sad!
Regardless, imagine you were traveling from Houston, TX to San Antonio, roughly 200 miles, and every mile was another sign: “San Antonio 200 Miles” – drive another mile and: “San Antonio 199 Miles” – drive another mile: “San Antonio 198 miles” and so on. Do we really need more signs to know that these are the last hours of the last days at the end of satan’s reign? The signs are literally EVERYWHERE!!!
On that note, please be alert for the next post regarding the red heifer sacrifice and what it means in the days ahead from what I have researched. We are being drowned in news on these subjects and there is a lot of noise static that drives fear. These sound like old Southern Baptist fire and brimstone pulpits. We should remain apprehensive, not fearful! I would like to clarify a few points, hopefully briefly, and move on to what is more important to know in preparation for the bridegroom soon arriving, and how to prepare for those who will not be raptured with the church.
Until then, thank you for hanging in there with me on these posts!
Alas! for that day is great, so that none is like it: it is even the time of Jacob's (Israel) trouble, but he shall be saved out of it.
Jeremiah 30:7