4000yrs of Christmas….
In 1990 in the township of Solon, Ohio, the school board banned all nativity scenes and decorations related to Christmas. They said that celebrating Christmas was a violation of the separation of church and state, since the school systems are federally funded. Local Christian parents were outraged and joined together to file a lawsuit against the school. Interestingly, the Christians won their lawsuit against the school, and nativity scenes were permitted again, “putting Christ back into Christmas” as the slogan goes.
But what is most interesting was the court’s ruling in the case was based on a great deal of research conducted by the court itself. The ruling was based on the fact that the court could find little evidence to support that Christmas had any historical connection to the birth of Christ, and that Christmas celebrations preceded the birth of Christ by nearly 2000 years. Furthermore, the court concluded that many religions have a December 25th celebration of some kind or another, and as such, should be permitted as not pertaining specifically to any particular religious tradition. Huh? What are they talking about?
The most celebrated day of the year in America and the western world is Christmas. But did you know that December 25th celebrations were illegal in America from the time of the arrival of the first pilgrims, all the way to the early 1800’s? For over 200 years, December 25th celebrations were strictly forbidden in America, and in fact, the last state in the nation to legalize December 25th celebrations was the state of Alabama in 1836. Why was Christmas illegal? The most celebrated day in the western world today was illegal?
Well, in my studies of Genesis and the rest of the bible, we just can’t seem to get away from Nimrod. This guy who is only mentioned in one chapter and one book of the bible, seems to be everywhere you look. And his mother if you recall, became his wife upon his father Cush’ death. Her name was Semiramis, but there is an enigma there that continues today as Jonathan Cahn points out in his book “Return of the Gods”. Semiramis is also Ishtar, Ashterah, Inanna, and other names, and is where our Easter traditions come from. Even the name Easter comes from Ishtar. But what about Nimrod? What does he have to do with Christmas?
Nimrod upon his death was claimed by his wife Semiramis (she was apparently a demi-god with a fallen angel parent) to have become the sun and ruled over earth from the heavens. Nimrod was claimed to have been born on…….you guessed it…..December 25th, which on the Roman calendar would be our December 22nd, or the winter solstice. In ancient Sumeria, this became a highly celebrated day, including drunkenness, sex orgies, fertility rituals, homosexuality, and child sacrifices to the sun god later known as Molech to the Israelites. When Nimrod was killed, legends began to circulate as to how some of his blood hit a tree stump, and a tree sprang forth from the stump that demonstrated Nimrod’s powerful fertile nature. Traditions began to evolve around the tree, where it was believed his spirit in the rays of the sun would leave gifts under the tree. Traditions began where it was believed the tree represented the fertile phallus of Nimrod, and decorations would include testicular shaped ornaments and such things that were representative of fertility, and crowned the tree with a candle in a sun shaped disc.
These traditions shifted to the son of Nimrod, Tammuz, mentioned in Jeremiah. Babylonian religious traditions were so prevalent in the ancient Mesopotamian world, they found their way to Rome and Greece. The origins of Saturnalia and Mithraism in Rome are rooted in the history of Nimrod, as well as, every other polytheistic tradition of ancient Rome. I covered all of this in some previous study videos.
When the persecution of Christians ceased under Emperor Constantine in 326AD, there were conditions required of Christians to avoid imprisonment and torture. During the time of Constantine, the Roman Empire was in decline and near its end. Christianity had exploded despite the efforts of Roman Emperors to extinguish it by the torture and imprisonment of Christians. Constantine’s strategy was to cease Christian persecution in order to revive the Roman Empire and expand his own power, but certain conditions would be required. The first was that there would be no worship on the Sabbath. Up until the time of Constantine, Christians kept the Sabbath along with the Jews, since this was an obvious commandment of the 10 Laws of God. All emperors, including Constantine, hated the Jews and wanted to exterminate them, therefore forbidding Sabbath worship targeted Jews. So Sunday (sun worship) was a mandatory day of worship, the Sabbath forbidden. The next conditional requirement to avoid persecution would be to adapt to Roman traditions in Constantine’s mixing of religions. Saturnalia and Mithraism were the prevailing religions of Rome, and both had roots in their Babylonian counterparts, including the rituals of December 25th. Public drunkenness, public sexual orgies, homosexuality, etc, being the most outward, but not the only customs. The burning of the yule log, for example, was rooted in the Babylonian custom of child sacrifice to Molech. The word “yule” was Akkadian for “child”.
When the pilgrims arrived to America, they were leaving these European traditions behind and strictly forbade anything related to the pagan polytheistic traditions of their former homeland, especially December 25th and Easter. But by the late 1700’s, Europeans were arriving in masse, and in the new Democratic Republic of the United States of America, the rule of law is determined by majority vote, not the laws of the Most High God. Catholicism prevailed over Protestantism in the new democratic republic. All of the ancient Roman religious traditions had their roots in Nimrod’s Babylon, and became the customs of the Roman Catholic church. Under the true first pope of Rome, Emperor Constantine, the blending of Roman pantheon religions with Christianity in exchange for ceasing the persecution of Christians would give birth to a corrupt form of Christianity: Roman Catholicism. You will see all of the signs of Saturnalia, Mithraism, and sun god worship in the Catholic church, which began 1700yrs ago with Emperor Constantine.
And that is why we celebrate the birth of Jesus on the birthday of Nimrod. We are far less educated than were our brave pioneering forefathers who sought to escape God’s imminent wrath on the pagan cultures of Europe. But He is patient and merciful, giving us hundreds of years to wake up and depart from Babylonian traditions.
I believe we are witness to God’s truly merciful nature, knowing that He has been so incredibly patient with our ignorance. But if He punished Israel so harshly for keeping the customs of Babylon, how much longer will His patience reside with us?
My people, go ye out of the midst of her, and deliver ye every man his soul from the fierce anger of the Lord. Therefore, behold, the days come, that I will do judgment upon the graven images of Babylon: and her whole land shall be confounded, and all her slain shall fall in the midst of her.
Jeremiah 51:45,47
And after these things I saw another angel come down from heaven, having great power; and the earth was lightened with his glory. 2 And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird. 3 For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies.
4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.
Revelation 18:1-4