A place called “Rain of Peace”

What almost everyone misses in this account (image above), is the event at Caesarea Philippi. (Mark chapter 8 and Matthew chapter 16). He chose that location near the city of Dan, at the foot of Mt Hermon, where all the pagan temples to Pan god (satan), the Dec 25 child sacrifice idols and pagan Easter fertility rituals, directly before the gates of hell, etc, to initiate this walk to His death after leaving Galilee. Why? As I pointed out in the Gen 6 video series, this is where the usurpers joined together in their rebellion against God, in response to His declaration of war in Genesis 3:15. It was on Mt Hermon where they (fallen angels) agreed together to contaminate the genetics of mankind, to prevent the possibility of a messiah by corrupting the DNA of mankind with their own seed (nephilim origin is also the origin of demons - see Gen 6 videos). Mt Hermon is where the rebellion escalated into an attempt to destroy God’s plan, and where the end of the rebellion was declared by Yehshua, at Caesarea Philippi, right where it began. This was a sacred place to Pan/satan worshipers, and where Yehshua declared to Peter, “upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it!”

And now on to Jerusalem for the crucifixion. Why Jerusalem? The future seat of the eternal King was chosen by God for many reasons, and in the etymology of the name we can see more to the story. “Jeru” comes from the verb “Yara” and is to bring effect by small impulses, such as arrows or stones or rain drops. A form of the verb “Yoreh” is used to describe the rain at the beginning of spring. In the ancient Hebrew, Jerusalem seems to imply explicitly “Rain of Peace” - but remember Shalom for peace is literally translated from the Paleo Hebrew as “destroy authority of chaos” (= shalom) - Jerusalem was the place chosen by God to be the location of the crucifixion, where by His death in human form, killed without having committed any crime, or broken any of God’s laws, would by His death, rain down destruction upon the authority of chaos. And this verse was the beginning of that final leg of the journey, where chaos would be destroyed forever, at the very place from which there would be no end to His reign as King over all that God subjected to Him, at the city of “Rain of Peace”. And now this “Rain of Peace” has been given to each of us, because of God’s declaration of war and promise to the seraph (serpent, author of chaos) in Genesis 3:15. The head of the seraph (serpent) was crushed by a rain of peace on a tree at Jerusalem. The new Jerusalem will be the most beautiful city in the universe, when this all comes to an end very soon. The new city will majestically honor the Word with its incomprehensible beauty! And every creation of the universe will know the moral to this story of mankind, engraved on the new throne in that city called “Rain of Peace”: DON’T MESS WITH GOD!!!

Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same; that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil; (Hebrews 2:14)


Happy 3rd day!


The High Calling of…….“Philadelphia”?