Calculating the incalulable God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob!

The deeper I dove into scripture and really began to understand this manuscript of extraterrestrial origin (Bible), the more I realized the purpose of life here on earth. This is a filtration process, intended to clean up a celestial mess created by lucifer even BEFORE Adam, where WE are the subjects of the present age. There are ONLY 2 ruling counterparts, the god of this earth and present age (lucifer), and the sovereign Most High God and Creator of the universe from corner to corner. Even lucifer was a created being in this mix (Ezekiel 28:15), but nonetheless, the cause of our fallen condition.

In every hallucination of another god, whether Allah, Buddha, Shiva, whomever, (249 false gods in hinduism alone!) are fabrications of the false god lucifer, in his attempt to separate all of humanity from returning to the Sovereign God (Yahuah = I Am that I Am), and regaining the unfallen state/status of Adam in the Garden. Even yoga exercising, reiki massage, much of this new age spiritualism are inventions and mechanisms of the slanderer (devil), intended to steer away from knowing the Most High God.

If you’ve watched my “Creation Series” videos, you know that I believe that Genesis 1:1 “In the beginning” is not a reference to the beginning of all things, but the beginning of earth time when God divided the day from the darkness in Genesis 1:14 and set the earth into it’s orbital pattern around the sun, declaring the end from the beginning on that day. In the beginning is OUR story not God’s story. God is without beginning or end, He just “Is” – “I Am” – and Creation is what He does. It is naïve to look at the stars and think there are no other life Creations among them. God has not dedicated His incalculable intelligence to a single form of planetary matter under a single star. To think so is insulting to His incalculable intelligence.

Having said that, think of this. Imagine that when God says He knew us from the foundation of the world (Ephesians 1:4, 1 Peter:20), yet we have free will of choice. Adam made his own decision to share in the Seraph’s (origin of the word serpent – see Genesis 6 series of videos) deception in the Garden. We all are given an opportunity to be obedient to God’s commands or, not. So how then could He have known us before the foundation of the world, if every decision man makes is of his own will? This is the incalculable intelligence of God.    

In the game of chess, each player has 16 pieces, each of them with different legal maneuvers. Almost everyone has sat at a chess game at least once, and it is a game played and appreciated by the world’s most brilliant minds. But have you ever considered how many possible moves there are on a chessboard?

“There are over 9 million variations after just 3 moves each, 288 billion different possible positions after 4 moves each, and 318,000,000,000 ways to play just the first 4 moves. In a whole Chess game, There are more possible iterations of chess games than there are atoms in the observable universe (”

Here is where no mind of man on earth can comprehend. For every human choice made since the time of Adam, God had the ability to see every possibility based on every action taken, by every person on the planet, since the beginning, all the way down to knowing our name since He separated the daylight from the darkness in Genesis 1:14. Adam had the choice to condemn the Seraph (serpent) in Genesis chapter 3, and choose a different path for mankind, and God had also calculated that outcome.

Estimates of the number of people that have ever lived on earth are around 100 billion. For the sake of entertaining this theory of God’s incredible mathematical ability, let’s say every human has the opportunity to make 1000 important decisions that change their destiny in life. This would mean you would have to multiply 100,000,000,000 x itself 1000 times, or 100billion to the 1000th power. I can’t even calculate how many zeroes are in the equation!

In this age of technology where artificial intelligence is attempting to replace God, no one has considered that even today no computer exists that could adjust for the outcomes of every human activity to that magnitude (100billion to the 1000th power) and THEN PREDICT THE FUTURE WITH PRECISION!!!! All the way down to knowing our names before the foundations of the world!

I heard a wise man once say (Dr Chuck Missler) that if we made God small enough to fit into the mind of man, He would be too small to qualify as a God! Because we cannot comprehend that He allows for free will and controls the future according to His will for the outcome of mankind, we assume that He controls our actions in order to fulfill prophecy. But if He did that, how would He know that we truly love Him, if we must make a conscious decision to choose His Kingdom by the salvation of the blood of Christ, over the condemned kingdom of satan? The decision to follow Yehshua must be a conscious choice, yet God predicted the outcome of our decisions 6000yrs ago!

If you can wrap your mind around the impossible odds of what I have just proposed, your portion of the gift of faith (Ephesians 2:8) has just increased!

Isaiah 43:10 (KJV) Ye are my witnesses, saith the LORD, and my servant whom I have chosen: that ye may know and believe me, and understand that I am he: before me there was no God formed, neither shall there be after me.


The ancient spirit of deception…..


The only pure religion? Shalom!